Its Not Me, Its You + The Fear Music Video

Weird Story. I was listening to an Amy Winehouse song (Stronger ) as one of my friends approach me and asked what's Winehouse strongest song to boot. She was making a playlist or slidehow of some sort, I couldnt remember the specifics. Note: We spoke in our own vernacular language but these are translated for your own cause. Me: Hmmm, try her songs from her latest album (Back to Black).... F: I dont want to listen to the whole album. Can you just give me mp3s or do you think I should just go with Rihanna, Britney or other artist with a more respectable rep? Me: What's that got to do with her music? +/- F: Oh, sorry. I knew you have a soft spot for bizarre artists. You know drugs and all. Me: What? I listen to all kinds of music. Why did you think that? F: Duh, everyone knows that... So, are you lending me those mp3s? I remembered this conversation a while ago, and wondered if there's any sense to it. I started researching every artist I have grown fond over the years and in...