My Boosters- and why I like them.

Metaphor started nothing and loving other masterfully crafted blogs.
These blogs encourage me to put up my own blog.
Some are old, some are new.
They are special in their own friggin' way.
Before I start, I would like to remind everyone, this is not an mp3 aggregator.
#1 Hits from Another Planet
Transmissions come in from outposts all over the universe... Unfamiliar melodies stream into our radios... Fronted by colorful aliens with big voices... The music begins to catch on ... It's in our heads and it refuses to leave... And we like it...
5 Acts
A Daily Posting Of Music Worthy Of Your Ears
Allan's World of Music
A Toronto-based mp3 blog. I really suck with slogans and titles. As you can see the title of this blog sucks but I hope you’ll ignore it and just enjoy the music we like
Covers recent events, album reviews with links to mp3s and...
Attorney Street
Now about the blog - it’s brought to you by some of the minds behind Palms Out Sounds, which in it’s own way has made it’s mark on the oft-referred to blogosphere (check wikipedia if ya don’t believe us). So yeah, don’t sue us. One, we don’t have terribly much to give, unless the boxes of Raisin Bran our moms tend to buy in bulk sounds particularly appealing to you; and two, as the folks at discobelle said so well, stuff we write about usually ends up being even more popular, and we’d like to think we have a hand in that. Peace & Pomade!
Aurgasm brings to you an eclectic menagerie of aural pleasures. I scout out music you've never heard and deliver only the finest. Expect music curiously different, yet simply enjoyable.
here at blouse, we like to wear blouses. and listen. to music. and make music. and dance to music. and sing to music. and laugh to music. and rant to music. and sex to music. and work to music. and throw five cent coins at little kids to music.
Brix Picks
Hey there you, welcome to my web log. Each week I pick 17 new awesome things that I'm sure you'll love. This week's picks are below, but you can browse the archives all the way back to 2005
Carl Sandburg Visits Me In A Dream
Carl Sandburg Visits Me In A Dream will serve as a blog for me to share my thoughts and musings, with a special emphasis on music.
Cover Lay Down
Folk covers of familiar songs. Reimagined versions of folk songs.
Because in the folk tradition, music belongs to the community.
Damien is Listening To...
This blog is all about YOU. My aim is to promote the bands and artists you want to hear about and reflect your seriously awesome taste in music.
Hard Candy Music
new music, retro tracks daily...
I Guess Im Floating
Im Waking Up To
this is a simple platform for me to share and write about songs i’ve been listening to lately.
It All Started With Carbon Monoxide
And no, my name is not really Agnes. Sadly.
Lampshade Music Blog
Lampshade Music is a music branding company that creates and establishes your music brand identity through a variety of services. For more information click below.
Music is Art
words, music and art complete one another. the mission of musicisart is to show how passion creates feeling and to share on the meaning. old and new intelligent selections always inspire and will forever include uncensored thoughts, music expressions, intense details to demonstrate sincere and grateful appreciation.
Ohh! Crapp...
Penned Madness
Excluding wars and deadly vegetables...
It is a good time to be alive people.
Pigeons and Planes
There's smoke in my iris, but I painted a sunny day on the insides of my eyelids.
Plague of Angels
As well as being a website, Popjustice is also a weekly London club night, a range of illustrated pop biographies, a compilation album, a mobile service, a weekly email and a regular London live showcase night.
Tickle your Humor, Pop Culture, Music, Movies, Television, Original Video, and Political needs every day.
Sell the Lie...and give away the truth
We are three dudes who have nearly unmatched taste in music. The sage advice we provide to you shouldn't be taken lightly - this music will move your body, mind and soul.
The Culture of Me
the culture of me is a music, art, news, mp3, and nightlife photography web site based in New York City. The focus is to consume for the consumer, provide resources of all kinds for the culturally needy, and document the lives of the people who would read the site. Think demographically of a VH1 Celebreality viewer who happens to peruse Paper magazine and seeks out open bars and killer DJ sets as often as possible.
The Hype Factor
The Sky was Candy
The World's Greatest Music
Had it existed earlier, this would have been the first place to tell you about Eminem, Belle & Sebastian, Eva Cassidy, Nirvana, Radiohead, Coldplay, Keane, Damien Rice, The Beatles, David Bowie, Bob Dylan, Joni Mitchell, Garth Brooks, Hall & Oates, Chris Barber, Chopin, and Crazy Frog.
is an art and audio loving site posting vinyl rips, songs, mixtapes, imagery, and podcasts, along with a bunch of ramblings that suit my obsessions and moods.
We All Want Someone to Shout For
A Music Blog That Hopes To Enhance Your Life
This blog is the news section from Welikeit.indie, a clothing brand that sells combed and organic 100% African cotton shirts with prints inspired by indie artists. We’re creating a whole new experience by fusing fashion and music into a stimulating online shopping environment. Welikeit.indie lets you browse for original clothing while you get to know the artists responsible for the inspired designs.
You Me and Everyone
This blog is my way of sharing the music, images, videos and audible noise that fill my life, as well as the daily stories and struggles of a mid-twenties political intern, newly graduated and ready for the world.
If you want to share any amazing blogs or sites there, leave a comment.
Read this also.
Matt from Hard Candy.